Wednesday 20 March 2013

That's alot of dust...

Yes, that picture is a two minute photoshop job by me, but you get the idea. It's been an incredibly long time since i've posted on this blog, but i have not been inactive by any means, i now have three complete blogs under my belt from the year and have just started another.

Given this, i thought i would make a quick post to say that no, my programming venture did not take off, my new interest is now in animation, and you can see why on my team brief blog!

I make no promises for constant updates this time, but keep an eye on the list to the right of this column for any new blogs i make, however i'll post the links below for your convenience:

Drawing for Games

Narrative for Games

Professional Team Brief

These are the blogs i have created and finished, i have more that are works in progress that i won't be linking to but given i've just started a new blog i thought i'd let you all in on the ground floor. So here it is:

Summer Show Project